I’ve been reading this for two weeks! 🤣 I started reading but wasn’t able to finish. I think it says something about your writing that I came back to finish! Thanks for sharing your thought process. I definitely found the Buddhist principle of suffering interesting and will be digging into that more. It’s hard to bring a child into a world that seems to have so much suffering!

On the day I went into labor with my first son in 1999 (yeah, I’m old!), I watched as news of the Columbine mass shooting unfolded. Horrific! I questioned why in the world I would bring a child into this.

I also found it funny that you said you didn’t even like kids. Neither did I until I had my own. Looking forward to part 2!

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022Author

Hey Holly! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I cannot imagine what you must have felt hearing the Columbine shooting news on the day your child was born. The recent Robb Elementary shooting shook me and my wife as it's the first widely reported case since we became parents. We just felt sooo much for the parents... anyway, part 2 is out now: https://nickang.substack.com/p/child-2

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Nick Ang

The sweetest thing of having a kid is that I can have a permanent playmate until my kid grown up and get married.

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