Nah, I level up myself is not to experience growth but to amuse myself ~ it is the DIY spirit that to create things on my own and be fascinated by it. I'm looking into 3d printing now and might buy a 3d printer to try to build some toys! From here, I see the opportunity to learn 3D drawing and PLC programming so there's no end to this at all XD
I work to earn money and use that money to level up myself =)
Nice. And leveling yourself up is an end in and of itself? Is there a specific point to that other than to experience growth?
Nah, I level up myself is not to experience growth but to amuse myself ~ it is the DIY spirit that to create things on my own and be fascinated by it. I'm looking into 3d printing now and might buy a 3d printer to try to build some toys! From here, I see the opportunity to learn 3D drawing and PLC programming so there's no end to this at all XD
That's an amazing spirit I could learn from. Inspiring! 😃
Oops, I had a typo that omitted an important "don't":
> if you're a programmer, you *don’t* need to find the craft of programming intrinsically meaningful to do it
It was probably self-evident based on tone of the post but I've corrected it for accuracy.